Works with Google Drive

You can upload files from your PC or Google Drive.

All in the cloud

Our servers in the cloud process your files and you don't need to install anything on your computer. Isn't that great?

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Any operating system works

This addons works on all computers - the operating system you use doesn't matter.

To begin using our browser addon, you need to install the extension first from the Chrome Webstore/Edge Webstore depending on the web browser you are using.

This software extension allows you to copy any text without formatting issues. So when you paste the text, its pasted as plain text.

To begin using the software extension Copy as Plain Text, you need to do the following

  1. Install the software extension
  2. Click on our software extension at the top right corner to activate the software
  3. Highlight the text you wish to copy and then use the right click mouse button
  4. Simply paste the text you have copied, it should be pasted in plain text format.

Welcome to Copy as Plain Text

Thank you for installing and using our extension


- An quickly way to copy any data as plain text.


1. Install and open.

- After installing the extension. You click on the icon of that extended version.